Who I am

I am an advisor/consultant with 30 years of experience and I have held leadership roles in companies and founded B2B businesses with a focus on broadcast, digital media, software and adtech. I am passionate about helping companies scale up and maximise their potential, helping to grow wonderful and talented teams around me as well as steering digital businesses to maximise their potential.

I am always looking to work with dynamic companies, interesting management teams and looking for new opportunities. I bring a wealth of entrepreneurial and international experience to any project, team or company and can help them transform and adapt to a new digital environment as well as execute a digital strategy.

I love to share my knowledge with others which has led me to present, chair panels and speak at many industry conferences and events over the last 20 years. I have contributed and spoken about a wide variety of subjects including data analytics, digital marketing, exploitation of intellectual property, entrepreneurship and company leadership challenges.

I am a passionate believer in projects and companies who embrace the philosophy that “the sum of the parts are greater than the whole”.

What I think.
What I Do.
What I Say.

“I believe that there is nothing more satisfying in life than helping and empowering others to become successful – my success is your success.”


As the African proverb goes: “if you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together”.

The values I believe in


What you see is what you get even if its not what you want to hear I will say what I think and most importantly I recognise where I can add value or help and where I can’t (and if I can’t then it will be my pleasure to introduce you to someone who can).


Extremely results focussed and possessing a “whatever-it-takes” work ethic, I will always try to look for the most effective and creative solution to any problem, taking full advantage of all the experience I have accumulated.


I am a true believer in “what comes around goes around” and cannot put a high enough value on integrity . There is a karma that exists in this world and I am convinced that cutting any corners one day will only come up and bite you in the future.


I believe that working with people and companies who put a high value on purpose, they have a ‘soul’ and know why they come to work every day have a greater chance of delivering success, build stronger and better teams and are much more enjoyable to work with.